What Causes Insomnia And How Can I Address It Naturally?

If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or are waking very early and not able to fall back to sleep, then you may be suffering from insomnia, or a sleep deficit. You may not be getting enough (quantity) sleep or the quality of your sleep may be compromised with interrupted sleep patterns.
Many factors may be contributing to your insomnia. It’s important to identify what’s causing your sleeplessness and try to address the root of the problem.
You may actually be creating the insomnia through unhealthy sleep habits. A few small changes to your daily routines may bring surprising results!
Consider which of the following may also be affecting you and try a natural approach to addressing the underlying cause before you resort to medication.
Causing insomnia |
Natural approaches to address insomnia |
Anxiety – feeling tense, helpless, worried, afraid and uncertain due to social stresses, relationship problems, financial worries and work issues. Often feel anxious about not sleeping and clock watch all night |
Depression – characterised by feelings of sadness, discouragement, hopelessness and despair |
Stress – how you cope with physical, social, economic and other factors that require a certain response |
Jet Lag Travelling across different time zones can change a person’s body clock /circadian rhythms and can cause insomnia |
Night Shifts – Different working hours or long working hours can cause troubles in sleeping habits |
Adjustment Sleep Disorder – This is caused by a traumatic event such as an illness or a loss of a close person. This can also be triggered by minor events such as arguments |
Environmental factors - such as noise from a partner snoring, temperature and other factors of the environment can also cause sleeplessness. |
Hormonal fluctuations - women experience hormonal changes brought about by menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause which can affect sleep. |
Age – as we grow older the production of melatonin (the hormone that controls sleep) decreases and has a detrimental impact on our sleep |
Genetics - some people are just predisposed to developing insomnia. |
Pain/Illness |
Insomnia can severely affect one’s mood, energy and ability to function during the day. In fact, severe insomnia may even cause other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. There is no need to live with it! Small changes can make a huge difference and break the negative cycle you may be stuck in.